Do not just wait practically for nothing in your unfair deals and other bank charges. When you've have not yet acted on reclaiming your unfair bank fees, you might turn out losing everything and ended up too late. There is no better time but today. Some banking institutions are really inconsiderate and will proceed to place you in a very tricky circumstance, except if you really take care of your expenses. But some transactions made before may give you a difficult time in paying on your loans or mortgages. Check it out.
Your loans and mortgage may rather be expensive. For when you try to trace it, it's very much possible that you were once a victim of mis selling which involve mis sold mortgage and loans. I'm not saying that you are stupid or whatsoever, what I'm saying that since you are having a hard time paying for your bills for these mortgages; it could have been due to unfair selling from lenders allowing you to get higher charges and improperly assessing your situation. So if you do really check how by any chance you still fail with the charges, then it might be one reason.
So including these all in all you were quite a victim of unfair financial institution costs and mis bought mortgages. Use this idea and allow yourself to focus on the events, you may very well get your compensation and claims too, request assist from support or professionals to obtain a hold on what you are able to do. They can be accessible all of the time and don't just wait for tomorrow in reclaiming the amount!